Daren Space's first round pre-sale will start on May 1

Posted April 23, 2022 by Announcement Center ‐ 4 min read

Dear User:

As the first decentralized autonomous online market, Daren is committed to providing a safer, more efficient and trustworthy trading environment for freelancers and service buyers. Daren will open the Daren Space first round pre-sale at 22:00(UTC 8:00) on May 1, 2022 , and the amount of Daren Spaces in the first round pre-sale is 100.

What is Daren Space?

Daren Space is a digital real estate in the Daren metaverse. After purchasing space, players can link to their stores in Daren. Daren Space is the only (non-fungible) virtual token (ERC-721 standard) supported by multiple public chains.

In the Daren metaverse, the total number of available space is only 166,666, forming the Daren Space map, which will never increase or decrease.

There are 5 different space types available on the Daren Space map:

Basic Space1 x 1The basic size space on Daren Space, you can link your own Daren store or upload external link advertisements
Small Space3 x 3The small size space on Daren Space. It can link to your own Daren store, provide picture display function on the map, and provide 3D display function in a single exhibition hall, which is suitable for small store product display
Medium Space6 x 6The medium size space on Daren Space, you can link your own Daren store, provide the picture display function on the map, and provide 3 exhibition halls for 3D display function, which is suitable for medium-sized store product display
Large Space12 x 12The large size space on Daren Space, you can link your own Daren store, provide the picture display function on the map, and provide 6 exhibition halls for 3D display function, which is suitable for large-scale store product display and exhibition. and other activities
Extra Large Space24 x 24The extra-large size space on Daren Space, which can link its own Daren store, provide picture display function on the map, and provide 12 exhibition halls for 3D display function, suitable for brands to hold events, exhibitions and contest

How to use the acquired space?

Spaces are an important part of the Daren Space metaverse. Allows you to:

Post ads and connect with studios

Daren Space is an important portal for your Web3 entrepreneurs, you can customize it, publish your own product NFT, or become a virtual space for exploring or hosting friends as a social experience.

Earn tokens

Daren Space allows you to monetize in a variety of ways. You can choose to charge others (paid in DT tokens) to visit your space, or sell a custom developed showroom for a profit.

Participate in the management of the Daren Space

Ownership of the space gives you the right in the management of Daren Space: participating in determining the future development and direction of the platform.

Host competitions and events

Get profit from it.

Why should you buy Daren Space in the pre sale?

Buying space allows you to establish a commercial space that you fully own and control. Your space is always yours unless you choose to sell or give it away.

By purchasing Daren Space in the pre-sale, you will be sure to get the best price. Space is a limited resource, and the earlier you buy it, the lower the price. Sales prices increase over time, so buying early is always a better deal.

Owning space allows you to be one of the first to get commercial traffic in Daren Space. It’s best to be a first mover before cramming the platform with competing experiences.

In short, space ownership makes you the first to do the following:

  1. Secure an ideal location within the limited amount of space in Daren Space

  2. Display commercials advertisement

  3. Organize a contest or event on your Daren Space

  4. Get profit from renting out space

  5. Participate in the management of Daren Space

But most importantly, you can build, create and own your own Web3 business realm from the space!

Where can I view my space assets after purchase?

Go to the virtual map on darenstar.com official website and go to My NFT Assets.

After connecting to the Metamask wallet, you can query the space assets owned by the address (currently only the BSC chain is supported).

Event notes:

  • During the pre-sale, the trading currency is DT
  • The amount of Daren Spaces in the first round pre-sale is 100.
  • The final interpretation right of the event belongs to Daren.

Risk warning:

There are risks in digital currency subscription, please participate with caution.

Daren will continue to provide you with excellent products and high-quality services!

Daren Team

April 23, 2022