Daren BSC mainnet launching event, buy Judge NFT to get Daren Space airdrop

Posted April 15, 2022 by 公告中心 ‐ 2 min read

Dear user:

As the first decentralized autonomous online market, Daren is committed to providing a safer, more efficient and trustworthy trading environment for freelancers and service buyers. Since the start of the public beta on January 25, 2022, the Daren app has welcomed 20,000 new registered users, received more than 400 public beta suggestions and BUG feedback, and generated a total transaction volume of nearly 1.5 billion USDT during the public beta.. With the efforts of the technical teams, the Daren app was finally officially launched on the BSC chain on April 1, and the first Daren Judge release began on April 2.

In order to thank the majority of users for their participation and support for the release of Daren Judge, Daren will conduct a one-month Space NFT airdrop activity for the release of Judge NFT. The airdropped Space NFT can be sold directly through the Daren NFT market.

Event Notes:

  • The airdrop of Space NFT is limited to the official purchase address of Judge NFT for the first time
  • Each address can only get one Airdrop of Space NFT
  • The final interpretation right of the event belongs to Daren

risk warning:

There are risks in digital currency subscription, please participate with caution.

Daren will continue to provide you with excellent products and high-quality services!

Daren Team

April 15, 2022